For a long time I was a bit depressed, mainly because I quit my past job and the promise of a new job was dropped. And then I couldn't get a job (the interviews that I had were't good enough to me). But since July, I'm working again. The job is quite good, I have some regrets and complains, but I enjoy it (by now).
For a couple of months I'm working (not full time) in my japanese-english dictionary (web interface). The goal of this is to let some of my classmates (I'm in 2º year of japanese) to have a nice japanese-english dictionary (the actual dictionaries available are quite disgusting -lack of vocabulary-).
And other part of my project is to learn a new framework. I tested ruby on rails and others, but by now, I'm quite comfortable with Jifty (perl based MVC). The reason is that I love Perl, and, with few code, let me do some things that in ruby on rails and others, I'll have to change the default behavior, and that is quite annoying to me. But the main reason to avoid ruby on rails, is because my last project went really disgusting with that framework (a web cook book, I had some disgusting problems with the presentation of the recipes), so I'm trying to avoid it.
Now I have a local SVN, when I could everything in order, I'll put the code in google code or some other site.
The goals of my project are:
* Simple web interface (few buttons, simple list -word;definition;dict name;word type-)
* By having a word type column, I could make a filter by adj-na, adj-i, noun, whatever (really useful when you are studying Japanese).
* A radical search form (this is quite simple, I get a list of Kanji-radical, so I can make a list of radicals and search by that list in the kanjidic file/db).
* A contributed part (a kind of user comments).
Other improvements that I was minding couldn't be done (like year/level of each word), because there are many books and level definitions. And I don't have any help of a Japanese linguistic (that could give me that list -or at least, the most common word level classification-). But I think that that is quite difficult to be done (or agree with that level classification).
By now, that I did was:
* dictionary normalization and import in an SQLite3 DB.
* web interface: word list and simple ABM to add words (but I'll put this offline in stable release, or make my web with some level of authorization).
I'm having some problems with the framework, because I'm not used to code in it, but is a matter of time while I read the documentation and I get used to it.
If someone want the code, just mail me (but is quite useless right now).
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