HP Blade and gentoo memory leaks

Hello minna san!!

I had some terrible troubles last month within two host that I have with Gentoo over HP Blade 460c G6. The problem was simple, the most IO that I generated in the host, the more memory in SUnreclaim (in /proc/meminfo).

The problem (after a log of time and testing), was solved by configuring the kernel with:
# CONFIG_IOMMU_API is not set

And, after a whole night of testing (that in prior test sessions in 2 hours the memory claimed up to 3 or 5 GB), was just in 80 MB the whole night.

The problem is quite known with the iommu module, but at first time I thought that was the cciss module (because everything was related with the disk IO). But after a further analysis, the iommu came across my path and then I saw a lot of bugs related to this module (and most of them were related to the memory leaks).


hosiaux gentoo kaj ruby (rubio)

Hosiaux mi estas tre tre laca, mi dormis bone, sed mi estas laca. Mi debas instali HP Blade kun gento (tio ne estas problemo, sed la HP Blade, kiam mi re-startigis la sistemo, dauxrigas multe tempo.

En tio tempo, mi volis scribi en mia twitero, sed en mia laboro ne estas pli bone uzi twitero, kaj por tio, mi kreis simpla rubio programaro:

require "rubygems"
require "twitter"

Twitter.configure do |config|
  config.consumer_key = "something here"
  config.consumer_secret = "somethig else here"
  config.oauth_token = "yes, other thing"
  config.oauth_token_secret = "the last secret"

client = Twitter::Client.new

client.update("my first ruby.twitter test")

Mi preferas Perl, sed Ruby estas tre amuza por mi.


